As a Fairfax criminal defense lawyer, I have seen the problems drug can cause first hand. That's why it is sad to learn that heroin use has been on the rise in the Washington, D.C. area, especially among young people. This is part of a national trend. Since 2007, there was a 66% increase across the country of people who reported using heroin in the past year. Police say this because of an increased crackdown on prescription drugs and a decrease in the price of heroin. Because of this price decrease, more young people are using heroin than ever before. In response to this, Virginia passed a law called “Alicia's Compass,” which requires health care providers to follow up with the parents of a minor who has overdosed on a substance, providing them with treatment options and information about rehab clinics.
Fairfax Criminal Defense Lawyer on Heroin Possession Penalties
While overdosing on heroin is a very serious medical emergency, it is not the only negative effect heroin can have on a person. If a person is caught with heroin, they can face up to ten years in prison while manufacturing or distribution can land a person in jail for up to forty years. With such serious penalties, a Fairfax criminal defense lawyer needs to be skilled in order to keep his client out of jail for a significant amount of time.
However, for a person who has been arrested for their first possession charge, a Fairfax criminal defense lawyer may be able to work out a plea deal with the prosecution that would consist of no jail and instead of consist of:
- Probation
- Drug testing
- Drug education classes
- Fees and fines associated with these programs
Because the penalties can vary so much depending on the circumstances of your arrest, it is best to contact a Fairfax criminal defense lawyer if you have been charged with possession of heroin.